Happy Holidays! Christmas is one of my all time favorite holidays. I love the music, the smell of fresh cut evergreen, hot chocolate with peppermint and of course flowers that reflect the season. There are so many great things to do during the holiday season in Grand County.
Mail a Letter to Santa - To receive a response from Santa follow these instructions
Take a picture with Santa
Attend the Annual Torchlight Parade at Winter Park Resort
Cut your own Christmas Tree in Grand County
Create Fabric Covered Christmas Tree Ornaments we have a wonderful fabric shop in Grand County
Enjoy a day of tubing in the snow at Winter Park Resort
Snowshoeing at Snow Mountain Ranch
Spend the Day Baking Christmas Cookies
Gather friends and family at Fontenot's for a holiday brunch
Host a wrapping party at your home with libations and tasty bites
Rent a Lodge in the Mountains this Holiday Season. Crestview Ranch can host up to 24 people
Donate to Mountain Family Center there are families that could use a helping hand this year
Attend Holiday Movie Night & Cookie Decorating at Headwaters Center in Winter Park
Attend a Holiday Floral Workshop at Fraser Valley Distilling
The holidays always seem to arrive way too quickly, and usually by the time I even think about decorating with boughs of holly it is December 24th. Take time to for family and friends this December. Pick one of the 14 things on the list and enjoy. For more information about our the Holiday Floral Workshop that WoodStem Floral is hosting at Fraser Valley Distilling this holiday season, December 19th. Please email us at melanie@woodstemfloral.com or register using the link.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from all of us at WoodStem Floral & Decor.
